In a challenging landscape for Welsh schools, Finola Wilson warns about rising evidence that pupils’ literacy levels in Wales are falling.
The PISA results show we need to invest more in our schools and teachers
Improving PISA results should not mask the reality that we are now just getting back to where we were in 2006, writes Sian Gwenllian.
Points mean prizes in PISA’s education rankings rat race
PISA has the potential to derail much of the reform agenda that has been set in train in Wales recently. We await tomorrow’s results with bated breath, writes Gareth Evans
Gearing up for PISA
Gareth Evans considers the impact of education’s world rankings and warns that failure to improve could have serious consequences for Wales’ curriculum reform
Equity & Excellence: ‘The Welsh Way’
A modern public service education system should celebrate equity, excellence and greater school autonomy, says Education Secretary Kirsty Williams
How far do education targets drive improvement?
Brenig Davies asks whether targets bring about a significant improvement in school and country performance
Culture of collaboration reliant on results
Gareth Evans reflects on the rallying of the troops at the recent national education conference
PISA results disappointing again…
Brenig Davies argues improvement in PISA will come when education improvement is coterminous with improvements in the social and economic conditions across Wales
IWA Podcast: Wales ‘could do better’ on Pisa
Jess Blair is joined by Mary Van den Heuvel, Robin Hughes and David Jones to discuss the latest Pisa results for Wales, and their implications.