Cynog Dafis addresses the dilemmas in Plaid’s wish to represent all the people of Wales

Cynog Dafis addresses the dilemmas in Plaid’s wish to represent all the people of Wales
Ken Jones argues that English-speaking members of Plaid invariably end up as second class citizens
Leighton Andrews finds that Labour needs a better understanding of what motivates supporters of Plaid Cymru’s new leader
Martyn Hooper celebrates the life of Wales’ most original thinker
John Osmond weighs up the significance and opportunity of Plaid Cymru’s election yesterday of Leanne Wood
Leanne Wood, Plaid Cymu’s leader elected today outlines her vision for her party
Martin Johnes reflects on how some flame-bearers of the Welsh past can burn our fingers
Jonathan Edwards argues that as leader Leanne Wood would be able to unite her party and expand its appeal
Dyfed Edwards says the leadership Dafydd Elis-Thomas demonstrated as Presiding officer promises much for his next role in charge of his party