Dr Dafydd Trystan examines the evidence from a recent poll on Welsh independence

Dr Dafydd Trystan examines the evidence from a recent poll on Welsh independence
Eurfyl ap Gwilym sets out a new model for corporation tax
Daran Hill argues election campaigns have deliberately muddled devolution
Rhea Stevens is joined by Amy Bainton, Natasha Davies and Owen Hathway to discuss the ideas in the general election manifestos
Mat Mathias gives a view on the characters of the general election
Adam Somerset offers a personal reflection on days 12 – 28 of the election campaign
Daran Hill argues that Plaid Cymru’s plans to table a Legislative Consent Motion on Article 50 put the Assembly at risk of becoming a talking shop.
Adam Price and Nigel Copner argue that investing in the Circuit of Wales project could be a strategic bet for Wales.
Simon Thomas AM sets out a vision for an energy efficient Wales.