Russell Todd sets out thoughts from a recent discussion paper by WCVA and Talwrn.

Russell Todd sets out thoughts from a recent discussion paper by WCVA and Talwrn.
Jamie Insole argues for a national campaign to address a crisis in democratic engagement in Wales
Dan Ward proposes a solution to Wales’ energy efficiency problem in our housing stock
Christine Boston argues that community transport has a central role to play in tackling poverty
Pamela Mason and Tim Lang argue for the need to address the huge problems within the food system by shifting dietary consumption through the development of sustainable dietary guidelines
Mike Hedges AM says the LIFT scheme is more than just another employment programme
Andy Bevan says the rural economy is being left out of the debate around Wales’ wealth.
Kirsty Davies says we need to take further measures to overcome inequality in Wales
Shea Jones discusses how the Well Being of Future Generations Bill can help tackle fuel poverty in Wales.