Adam Ramsay analyses the constitutional positioning of the man he thinks the most talented senior Labour politician in the UK

Adam Ramsay analyses the constitutional positioning of the man he thinks the most talented senior Labour politician in the UK
Scottish commentator Iain Mcwhirter reflects on First Minister Carwyn Jones’s intervention in the referendum debate this week
Jess Blair and Lee Waters argue that the full response to the Silk Commission by the UK Government is a double edge sword.
Charlie Jeffery says voters need understandable information so they can make a choice in next year’s poll
Stephen Noon says that whatever the result of the independence referendum, Scotland and the rest of the UK will be closely intertwined
Carwyn Jones, First Minister for Wales, One Year to Go Until the Referendum Conference, Cardiff Bay, Tuesday 17th September
As the Scots referendum draws nearer Andy Bevan asks what lessons we can learn from the experiences of Ireland and other Commonwealth countries
David Moon explains how Welsh Labour has managed to spike Plaid Cymru’s guns and dominate Welsh politics
Gerry Hassan says that whatever the result the independence referendum will give his country an opportunity to mature