As the National Lottery approaches a milestone birthday, Richard Bellamy introduces the National Lottery Heritage Fund’s future framework for Wales

As the National Lottery approaches a milestone birthday, Richard Bellamy introduces the National Lottery Heritage Fund’s future framework for Wales
Tamsin Stirling considers how the concept of the foundational economy can add value to work already going on in the housing sector in Wales
Owen Davies explores whether the ‘Agent of Change’ principle could boost the night time economy
Jamie Insole argues for a national campaign to address a crisis in democratic engagement in Wales
“Made in Ebbw Vale” could be part of the future for the town, suggests Mark Barry
David Llewellyn says we need to regard the Welsh landscape as an essential source of economic renewal
John Osmond reports on a new report launched today which sets out a new economic vision for Wales
John Osmond says another report is in danger of becoming an aspiration unless there is more co-ordination and a greater sense of priorities in Cardiff Bay
Sebastian Barrett believes the Circuit of Wales will be a game-changer