Geraint Talfan Davies examines the First Minister’s statement on the Welsh Government’s legislative priorities and the processes that will follow.
Carwyn Jones’s financial shopping list
John Osmond says yesterday’s announcement on new powers for the Scottish Parliament should give our First Minister some ideas
Designing Welsh politics by committee
John Osmond unpicks how the political machinery is being put together in the National Assembly’s engine room
Plaid Cymru’s identity problems
Gareth Hughes offers some thoughts for the nationalists’ review of what went wrong in the election
How do we talk about Scotland?
Anthony Barnett says we need a non-partisan debate that includes all the nations, acknowledges the English question, and exists outside of the Westminster circle.
A question Welsh broadcasters should fear
Geraint Talfan Davies examines the Culture Select Committee report on the BBC Licence fee deal and finds reason to worry
Steps on the road to fiscal federalism
Eurfyl ap Gwilym argues that without at least some fiscal powers the Welsh Government is still a long way from being a real government
What is Plaid Cymru for?
Syd Morgan and Alan Sandry reflect on the implications of the party coming third in last week’s Assembly general election
The Scottish Spring
Gerry Hassan says last week’s watershed election north of the border is a sign of a deep, long-term transformation underway in his country’s political culture