Charlie Jeffery says voters need understandable information so they can make a choice in next year’s poll

Charlie Jeffery says voters need understandable information so they can make a choice in next year’s poll
Stephen Noon says that whatever the result of the independence referendum, Scotland and the rest of the UK will be closely intertwined
Leanne Wood argues that the cause of national independence is essentially about renewing old friendships
John Osmond on Carwyn Jones’ belief that unless there is a positive response to Silk he will be unable to defend the Union in Scotland
Geraint Talfan Davies reports from Barcelona on Catalonia’s national day when 400,000 will join hands the length of their coastline
David Melding says the people of Wales and Northern Ireland will face immediate existential challenges if the Scottish people vote to secede
John Kay unpicks the economic arguments around independence but says that these are not the main reasons to vote Yes or No
Joyce McMillan explains why artists and writers at the Edinburgh Festival are not obsessing with the referendum question
Iain Mcwhirter asks where the anger has gone in the independence debate