In this feature-length interview, Katy Huckle talks to Dr Ludivine Petetin from Cardiff University about the impact of Brexit on supply chains and trade.

In this feature-length interview, Katy Huckle talks to Dr Ludivine Petetin from Cardiff University about the impact of Brexit on supply chains and trade.
The shift to a foundational approach will require a profound shift in our thinking and doing argues Lee Waters AM
The debate on the foundational economy must turn into shared action argues Josh Miles
The National Infrastructure Commission for Wales has to be anchored in reality, as well as forward thinking and ambitious for what Wales can achieve says Josh Miles
Dr Mark Lang argues for integrating Metro planning and economic policy with well-being
Mike Hedges AM examines how to develop and expand the economic opportunities in the Swansea Bay City Region.
Chris Johnes and Neil McInroy celebrate the successes of communities building prosperity and outline the conditions that are needed to build more local wealth in Wales.
Mick Brown and Pat Conaty make the case for supporting a Public Bank for Wales.
Russell George says a Small Business Charter is needed to boost SMEs and improve footfall on our beleaguered high streets