Alan Trench reports on the latest gathering of the leaders of the UK and devolved governments

Alan Trench reports on the latest gathering of the leaders of the UK and devolved governments
David Melding argues that ‘Little Britain’ as a truncated union of England and Wales, would be unlikely to survive
Gareth Hughes offers some thoughts for the nationalists’ review of what went wrong in the election
John Osmond takes a look at the Iago Prytherch of Scottish Politics
Anthony Barnett says we need a non-partisan debate that includes all the nations, acknowledges the English question, and exists outside of the Westminster circle.
Eurfyl ap Gwilym argues that without at least some fiscal powers the Welsh Government is still a long way from being a real government
Gerry Holtham explores the way the SNP success is affecting prospects for a Welsh financial settlement
Gerry Hassan explains why Labour needs to reinvent itself north of the border
Syd Morgan and Alan Sandry reflect on the implications of the party coming third in last week’s Assembly general election