Powers over welfare could offer a different policy route for Wales, but is this affordable?

Powers over welfare could offer a different policy route for Wales, but is this affordable?
Professor Susan Baker discusses new politics and the economics of limits: the future we want and can have.
Paul Chaney argues that Wales is disproportionately affected by Westminster’s welfare cuts and that Welsh Government should have powers over welfare.
Peter Black looks at previous examples of welfare devolution to Wales and says these show a warning for future devolution.
David Bell on why devolution of some welfare benefits to Scotland is unlikely to result in a welfare paradise.
Jessica Blair explores why Wales is nervous of welfare devolution.
Jess Blair says it is time to start talking about welfare in Wales, and how we can create a fairer and more dynamic country.
See some of the facts around welfare in our infographic, created by Community Housing Cymru.
Suzy Davies says practical policy decisions have failed to consider children’s rights.