Aled Edwards argues that Wales’s decade of devolution has been accompanied by a strong focus on equal opportunities and human rights

Aled Edwards argues that Wales’s decade of devolution has been accompanied by a strong focus on equal opportunities and human rights
Ed Bridges says the Welsh Government’s latest policy on social services is dealing with the symptoms rather than providing a long term answer for our problems
John Osmond warns that the abolition of primary care trusts will lead to the privatisation of the English NHS
Alan Trench on a little-known principle that Westminster legislation affecting devolved matters needs the consent of the legislature concerned
Judy Hutchings and Tracey Bywater report on a new initiative to help looked after children in Wales
John Osmond reports on Education Minister Leighton Andrews’ ambitions for raising standards in our schools
Marcus Longley outlines the challenges facing health and social care in Wales in the coming year
Alan Trench teases out why Wales has done badly in the Spending Review compared with Scotland and Northern Ireland
Looking forward to a good old age