Chris Johnes and Neil Mclnroy examine new opportunities to strengthen local economies

Chris Johnes and Neil Mclnroy examine new opportunities to strengthen local economies
Oliver Townsend argues that the Supporting People programme has attracted widespread political and policy consensus, but action is still needed to protect it.
Eleri Butler reflects on the General Election and Queens Speech and what this might mean for those affected by violence and abuse in Wales
Kate Cubbage reflects on how the education system can do better at supporting young carers to be happy and successful at school
Gerald Holtham and Tegid Roberts make the case for a system of enhanced social insurance, to meet the escalating costs of social care
Michael Trickey looks at what the General Election manifestos might mean for public spending and public services in Wales
Karen Graham and David Dallimore argue that childcare provision is about far more than getting parents into work
On the launch of the IWA report ‘Funding renewable energy projects in Wales’, Shea Jones sets out the barriers and opportunities to Wales reaching its climate change targets
Joseph Ogle and Michael Trickey on how a long-term funding strategy needs to be underpinned by an agreed methodology for assessing the funding gap in social care