Jeremy Miles and Lee Waters set out ideas to shift the economy of Wales to invest in communities and rooted businesses

Mae the welsh agenda yn gylchgrawn Saesneg sydd yn cael ei hariannu gan Gyngor Llyfrau Cymru. Mae erthyglau’r cylchgrawn yn Saesneg ond mae’r tudalennau am waith y Sefydliad Materion Cymraeg ar gael yn ddwyieithog.
Jeremy Miles and Lee Waters set out ideas to shift the economy of Wales to invest in communities and rooted businesses
Gavin Bunting yn rhannu newydd am grŵp sydd wedi sefydlu i hwyluso arloesi ac ymchwil yr economi gylchol yng Nghymru – Gavin Bunting shares news of a new group established to facilitate circular economy innovation and research in Wales
Shea Buckland-Jones shares major new research from the Re-energising Wales project and calls for increased action on renewable energy.
Sarah Scotcher argues a clear direction needs to be established before Off-site manufacturing can offer a solution to delivering affordable homes
Andrew Carter argues that automation will bring big opportunities to Welsh cities, but we need to act now to prepare people for the changes ahead.
Mike Hedges presents further lessons from Aarhus and Mannheim for small and medium sized businesses in Wales
Peter Stead reviews a new exhibition of Colin Riddle’s photographs
Dafydd Trystan and Hugh Jones provide an analysis of new data that paints a detailed picture linking university courses to median graduate salaries
Mark Barry reacts to the news that the the line between Cardiff and Swansea will not be electrified, and offers another solution