Ken Skates says the region must not be left behind in the race to modernise our rail infrastructure

Ken Skates says the region must not be left behind in the race to modernise our rail infrastructure
Peter Black finds that a deliberate abstention by voters to make a point cost his party the election across many parts of Wales
Hugh Richards reflects on the life of the sweat banded, Zapata-moustached Mervyn Davies, a master of timing
Ken Skates recalls the painful memories of humiliation that confronted Wrexham FC
John Tucker celebrates Beti Williams’ achievements in promoting software as a driving force for the Welsh economy
Rhys David looks back on how the country met the challenges he set for it in 2011
Geraint Talfan Davies shares in the joy at Swansea City’s promotion to the Premier League
Nigel Jenkins is worried about the future of Swansea’s Dylan Thomas cultural centre
Tehmina Goskar describes a turning point for the lower Swansea Valley