Elin Jones responds to the Conservative UK Government’s budget announcement of a new sugar levy on the soft drinks industry

Elin Jones responds to the Conservative UK Government’s budget announcement of a new sugar levy on the soft drinks industry
Jamie Insole says Welsh Labour should follow Scotland’s lead on the removal of the spare room subsidy.
Kirsty Davies says we need to take further measures to overcome inequality in Wales
Ed Poole talks about the future of Wales’ funding and finance.
What’s the principle at stake that demands a direct endorsement by voters of powers over income tax? IWA Director Lee Waters asks.
Peter Black looks at previous examples of welfare devolution to Wales and says these show a warning for future devolution.
Peter Black says taxation is a lever which can be used to alleviate in-work poverty.
Rebecca Evans AM shares her week living on benefits at a time when costs are rising
Jamie Insole explains how working with landlords and tenants have had an effect in tackling the bedroom tax.