Ahead of tonight’s Heritage Exchange event, David Anderson looks at how the culture and heritage sector can come together in Wales.

Ahead of tonight’s Heritage Exchange event, David Anderson looks at how the culture and heritage sector can come together in Wales.
Terry Stevens says we should not be afraid of backing destination winners to boost the industry’s potential
Peter Hurn says the Circuit of Wales motor cycle racing track would transform the prospects for the heads of the Valleys
John Ashley reports on an IWA debate on the future of a neglected region of Wales
Gordon James, says that faced with global warming we should all become eco-warriors
Colin Miles asks how we can improve communications in Wales without destroying what we came to see
Ian Herbert looks at the life of a Welsh hotelier who promoted the arts on the cliffs of Pembrokeshire
Paul Kay calls for the creation of underwater national parks in Wales
David Anderson explains how arts and culture can contribute to tackling child poverty in Wales