Dr Daria Luchinsakya argues that pressure on resource budgets is likely to intensify following yesterday’s Autumn Statement.

Dr Daria Luchinsakya argues that pressure on resource budgets is likely to intensify following yesterday’s Autumn Statement.
Stuart Ropke reviews the impact of the Autumn Statement on Wales.
Stuart Ropke calls for assurances that existing schemes for people in supported housing can be maintained following an announcement from the DWP.
Guto Ifan and Ed Gareth Poole set out the issues at stake for Wales in tax devolution.
Lee Waters says there is a gulf between the Labour Party and the people it was created to represent.
Ian Jones and Steve Martin explore how councils across Wales can mitigate the financial pressures they face.
Ben O’Keeffe explains why the UK’s changing constitution makes Stephen Crabb’s shot at the UK’s top job increasingly difficult.
Beyond the headlines and controversy, Eurfyl ap Gwilym finds the 2016 UK Budget full of 2nd order financial measures and fudges.
Lord Paul Murphy talks to Dylan Moore about why Wales has an Oxbridge problem, the Seren project that aims to support Wales’ brightest – and how we might eventually tempt those graduates back