Elin Jones responds to the Conservative UK Government’s budget announcement of a new sugar levy on the soft drinks industry

Elin Jones responds to the Conservative UK Government’s budget announcement of a new sugar levy on the soft drinks industry
Can a different approach to a Welsh Cabinet increase the effectiveness of the Assembly, asks Martin Warren.
Michael Trickey explores the impact for Wales of the UK Government’s November Spending Review.
Eurfyl ap Gwilym says Wales has not had a fair deal on funding for high speed rail.
Alan Trench says key issues around the implementation of a reserved powers model for Wales could be ducked.
David Clubb says Wales must defend itself from the UK Government’s energy policy.
Should a default referral policy be implemented for those affected by cancer to assist with claiming benefits?
Alan Trench says the proposed ‘reserved powers’ model of devolution for Wales should be carefully thought through.
Andrew Davies looks into a not-for-profit model for the Wales and Borders Rail Franchise