As the Scots referendum draws nearer Andy Bevan asks what lessons we can learn from the experiences of Ireland and other Commonwealth countries

As the Scots referendum draws nearer Andy Bevan asks what lessons we can learn from the experiences of Ireland and other Commonwealth countries
Adam Ramsay finds the ignorance of the media about the constituency’s electoral history shows how out of touch the London bubble can be
As the second Assembly Bill gets referred to the UK Supreme Court Manon George looks at the latest legal wrangle to stall a Welsh law
Robin Tilbrook explains why English Democrats are supporting the SNP’s campaign to dissolve the UK
Paul Salveson says the North of England can only dance to its own tune
Eddie Bone says if Wales wants to entrench its own institutions it should support the Campaign for an English Parliament
Niki Seth-Smith says the political left need to sieze control of the English identity question
Roger Scully delves into public attitudes towards the party leaders
Treasury Chief Secretary Danny Alexander has announced a consultation with business on whether the Welsh Government should get control of stamp duty