Kirsty Williams describes how her party put a break on the Chancellor’s budget plans

Owen Smith questions whether Wales would be better off with a measure of income tax offset by a reduction in the block grant
Jonathan Edwards argues that the Welsh Government should have more confidence in the potential for growth in the Welsh economy
Geraint Talfan Davies says Lord Leveson has been right to say the press cannot continue be judge and jury in its own cause
Manon George says yesterday’s judgement points to need for reserved powers for Wales along Scottish lines
Daran Hill says David Jones sees his role as policing legislation made in Wales
Carwyn Jones argues for a new devolution settlement to give Wales a Scottish-style relationship with Westminster
First Minister of Wales, the Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM, London School of Economics, 8 November 2012.
Gordon James, says that faced with global warming we should all become eco-warriors