Hywel Francis says the Yes campaign should focus on bread and butter issues rather than constitutional arguments

Hywel Francis says the Yes campaign should focus on bread and butter issues rather than constitutional arguments
John Osmond says that in going for the man rather than the ball the Carmarthen West MP risks falling over
Anthony Barnett says the shape of the debate about the future direction of the Labour Party is emerging.
Lord Touhig makes the case for sustaining Welsh representation at Westminster
Kirsty Davies finds a gap between the rhetoric of the Westminster and Welsh Governments on women’s representation and the reality on the ground
Geraint Talfan Davies looks forward to the second annual Inspire Wales Awards
John Palmer says France and Germany will not allow a full-blown euro-area solvency crisis
John Ball says public sector dominance must come to an end if the Welsh economy is to flourish
In a key-note speech delivered last night at the IWA North Wales branch’s annual dinner, Carwyn Jones set out the key themes for Welsh Labour ahead of the May elections.