Welsh Government reveals its pending priorities for the next three years

Welsh Government reveals its pending priorities for the next three years
Alan Trench looks at the impact of the UK government’s higher education policy on the Welsh Government’s budget
John Osmond hears First Minister saying Whitehall attitudes to Welsh devolution are driven more by contempt than respect
The Coalition might agree in principle over the Freedom Bill but they can’t produce an overall constitutional strategy. Anthony Barnett says the Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties are fundamentally at loggerheads over the destination of democratic reform
Geraint Talfan Davies looks at the unease created by the planned link up of S4C and the BBC and the issues negotiators will face
Carwyn Jones, First Minister for Wales
Centre for Governance event, Cardiff University
2nd November 2010
Malcolm Prowle says the Welsh Government should downsize as a response to today’s Comprehensive Spending Review
Malcolm Prowle says cuts to the Welsh budget will force radical new thinking about the shape, funding and delivery of our public services
Nick Bourne analyses the territory on which next May’s Assembly election will be fought