Alan Trench explores the Holtham Commission’s view that a devolved government needs to be more than an elected spending agency.

Alan Trench explores the Holtham Commission’s view that a devolved government needs to be more than an elected spending agency.
By John Osmond
Cohabitation between the Taff and the Thames conference, IWA and Wales Governance Centre, 9 July 2010
Denise Lovering asks how long we will have to pay more than £76 million a year to cross into England
Carwyn Jones, First Minister for Wales,
3rd Anniversary of One Wales coalition agreement
Pierhead Building, Cardiff Bay
1 July 2010
Former Finance Minister Andrew Davies recommends how the Welsh Government should approach the coming cuts
David Marquand asks whether in the wake of the budget there is space for two conservative parties.
Dylan Jones-Evans argues Wales should follow Northern Ireland in seeking a corporation tax cut to kick start economy
Eurfyl ap Gwilym analyses the impact George Osborne’s intervention will have on Welsh spending
Huw Iranca Davies says the Budget decisions threaten to send the Welsh economy into intensive care