Kirsty Davies says that the political parties have some explaining to do about their sidelining of women

Kirsty Davies says that the political parties have some explaining to do about their sidelining of women
Fixed-year Parliaments at Westminster could mean two elections on the same day in 2015
Denis Balsom offers some immediate thoughts on the General Election results in Wales
Can the Lib Dems can overcome their first-past-the-post mindset
Nick Ainger, Labour’s candidate in Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire, reports on a funding backlash
Guy Lodge asks why no one noticed that a hung parliament would trigger a constitutional crisis in England
Prospects mount for a typically bloodless British revolution this Thursday
In denial the voters simply don’t want to hear about spending cuts or taxes
Denis Balsom assesses the impact of the Liberal Democrat spike in the polls on the Welsh battleground seats