Robin Hunter Clarke argues a referendum should be held before Wales has more Assembly Members.
Unmusical Chairs
Daran Hill reflects on the ratios of Committee Chairs in the Assembly, and offers some solutions.
Brexit Wales: Biting off the hand that feeds you
Martin Shipton argues that cultural and communication gaps, and a weak indigenous media, led to a surprise Brexit result in Wales
A checklist for post-election pondering
Laura McAllister offers some early thoughts on lessons from the General Election
Everyone’s a Loser?
Cathy Owens reflects on last night’s results and emerging lessons for the parties in Wales
Opposing the Wales Bill
Robin Hunter-Clarke outlines why UKIP will be voting against the Wales Bill when it comes to the Assembly later today.
After the referendum – what is UKIP’s role now?
Neil Hamilton warns against Establishment backsliding on the public’s decision to leave the EU.
Why nobody should work with UKIP
Jamie Insole outlines his concern about the normalisation of UKIP’s presence in the Assembly
And Ladies and Gentlemen we have deadlock.
Mat Mathias reflects on ‘the week that was’ in the Assembly.