Ahead of Tuesday’s final vote in the Assembly on the Future Generations Bill Peter Davies and Lee Waters exchange emails about the new law

Ahead of Tuesday’s final vote in the Assembly on the Future Generations Bill Peter Davies and Lee Waters exchange emails about the new law
Dan Bristow discusses indicators for the Well-being of Future Generations Bill.
Shea Jones discusses how the Well Being of Future Generations Bill can help tackle fuel poverty in Wales.
Chris Johnes talks of how a bill with grand ambitions has now retreated into familiar territory, but in doing so can focus on areas where beneficial change can be achieved.
Professor Susan Baker discusses new politics and the economics of limits: the future we want and can have.
Theo Davies-Lewis talks about the need for a Youth Welsh Assembly, to benefit Wales not only now but also in the future.
Do we need more powers over our economy? Lee Waters invites you to help shape the design of the Crowd Sourced Constitutional Convention
Llyr Huws Gruffydd says a commitment to children’s rights is lacking in current legislation.
Anne Meikle says there are improvements needed if the Future Generations Bill is going to make a difference.