Oliver Hazell argues for a focus on manufacturing if Wales is to win its ‘War on Waste’

It just isn’t good enough
Shazia Awan-Scully argues a lot has been achieved, but there is much more to do to ensure fair representation in Welsh public life

The reorganisation of the Welsh Government funded Welsh public sector – Part 3
Mike Hedges continues his consideration of the organisation of public services in Wales
Support fair and transparent trade agreements
Aileen Burmeister makes the case for new trade deals which are fair to everyone

After Brexit, Wales will need soft power more than ever
Ahead of an international conference in Cardiff tomorrow, Chris Lewis explores what is meant by Wales’ soft power

Welsh Labour should embrace the low tax alternative to prove Wales is open for business
At the start of the new tax year, Nick Ramsay AM considers the implications of the Welsh Government’s taxation decisions for Welsh businesses.

Eurfyl ap Gwilym presents an analysis of what the recent cross-Whitehall briefing of the possible impact of Brexit means for the Welsh economy

Third time a charm?
Janet Finch-Saunders discusses new proposals for local government reform

No quick solutions in reforming Welsh local government
Peter Black offers thoughts on how to make sure Welsh local government reform is lasting and empowering.