Roger Scully reports on his findings from the latest Welsh barometer poll.

Roger Scully reports on his findings from the latest Welsh barometer poll.
Jocelyn Davies says the Welsh Government’s Housing Bill does not live up to the expectations promised in the preceding White Paper.
Sarah Powell asks how sport can be utilised to achieve a fitter Wales
Owen Smith warns of the consequences for Wales of unpicking the Union
Adam Breeze discusses what it will take to put us back in the front line for securing more foreign direct investment
Mark Elliott reports on the First Minister’s views that Welsh sovereignty will entail fundamental changes to the UK constitution
John Osmond finds that the Williams Commission has no easy answer to the Welsh dilemma of service improvement
Stephen Brooks asks how do we re-structure councils in a way that enhances democracy, whilst delivering better public service outcomes?
Lleu Williams reports on research that says more education is needed about Welsh devolution