Jocelle Lovell says welfare changes will result in more rent arrears and evictions across Wales

Jocelle Lovell says welfare changes will result in more rent arrears and evictions across Wales
As part of the IWA’s innovative new project to debate policy in a new way David Melding looks at the question of a separate legal jurisdiction for Wales.
John Osmond speculates that despite competing in standing up to London Labour and Plaid will end up in another coalition
Dafydd Elis Thomas says the Welsh Government should be given equivalent powers to Scotland and Northern Ireland on renewables and planning
Richard Wyn Jones examines evidence from a new report that makes the case for increasing the AMs in the National Assembly
Bethan Jenkins explains why she is introducing legislation in the Senedd tomorrow to help people facing bad debt
David Melding asks whether Welsh public services can thrive without the market
Michael Trickey reports on the impact of the spending squeeze on the delivery of Welsh public services.
Jamie O’Hara says when it comes to legislation on active travel, where Wales leads, others follow.