Mae Siân Howys o Gymdeithas yr Iaith yn dadlau safonau yr iaith Cymraeg

Mae Siân Howys o Gymdeithas yr Iaith yn dadlau safonau yr iaith Cymraeg
Rhodri Llwyd Morgan outlines the recommendations of his policy group tasked with promoting the vitality of Y Fro Gymraeg
Philip Dixon questions whether GCSEs are fit for purpose
Josh Parry says Welsh-medium education for all is the key to language growth
Mae Josh Parry yn dadlau taw addysg trwy’r Gymraeg yw’r allwedd i dwf yr iaith.
Rebecca Williams says we cannot leave things as they are with teaching Welsh as a second language
Tim Williams argues that teaching through the medium of Welsh in English-medium schools damages education
John Osmond opens up a debate on the teaching of the language in English-medium schools
Simon Brooks asks why the language has not flourished in devolved Wales