Dr John Ball raises some of the practical issues involved in facing global warming, and asks if COP26 will offer solutions.
Highlight on the UBI Debate (Part 2): The Welsh Government’s Pilot Risks Missing the Point of UBI
Dr John Ball argues that the proposed Basic Income Pilot is based on a flawed understanding of UBI that distorts its purpose.
Universal Basic Income: Do It Right Or Don’t Do It At All
Dr John Ball argues that – without major changes – the Welsh Government’s proposed Universal Basic Income falls at the first hurdle.
Part Two: Devolution? Federalism? Why Independence is the Answer
Dr John Ball explores different constitutional options for Wales and the UK and argues that only independence enables the necessary powers for each nation.
Part One: Devolution? Federalism? Why Independence is the Answer
In the first of a two part essay, Dr John Ball examines the journey to a devolved Wales and sets out why the current settlement is inadequate.
Plaid Cymru Drops the Ball
The Independence Commission’s new report is a mess of ideas which serves only to stunt the movement, argues Dr John Ball.
Forget Federation
Dr John Ball writes that proponents of a federalist solution to the United Kingdom forget that power devolved is power retained.