Dylan Moore takes us behind the headline of the IWA’s latest the welsh agenda magazine.
Why Newport Needs Novels
Dylan Moore explains why his Newport novel, Many Rivers to Cross, had to be fiction – and why Wales’ often disparaged third city is perfect terrain for a writer.
After Mohamud Mohammed Hassan’s Death, Wales Needs to Declare a Media Emergency
Wales’ lack of journalistic resource is structural injustice, writes Dylan Moore
Book Review: The 3 Molas
Dylan Moore reviews a collection of poems looking at language and identity by Mike Jenkins, Eric Ngalle Charles, Ifor ap Glyn.
Book Review: The Road to Zarauz
Dylan Moore takes a look at Sam Adams’ coming of age story set in Spain 1954.
Now we must live up to ourselves: #RethinkingWales and beyond
Dylan Moore introduces issue 64 of the welsh agenda magazine with a call for us all to use this unique moment wisely
The Long Read: 40 Days and 40 Nights
An Easter spent at home gives us chance to reflect on the places from which we derive our hope, writes Dylan Moore.
Book Review: Godbothering
Dylan Moore urges us to begin our lockdown reading with ‘Godbothering’, Rhidian Brook’s collection of ‘Thoughts 2000-2020’, which may help us gain perspective on the current crisis.
Who speaks for Wales? You do.
Dylan Moore welcomes you to the welsh agenda (online)