Editor in Residence Internships Q&As


September 4


05:30 pm - 06:30 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/editor-in-residence-internships-qas-tickets-694595472757

Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA)

Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/institute-of-welsh-affairs-iwa-5331439653
These sessions are intended for people wishing to apply for editorial internships at the welsh agenda.

Our editorial internships are back this autumn.

Join the welsh agenda team to gain writing, editorial and digital publishing experience in an organisation working close to Wales’ political institutions.

Our placements are a professional and mentoring opportunity intended to train and upskill editors and journalists at the beginning of their careers and increase the representation of journalists and editors from marginalised backgrounds and identities in the industry. There is no need for specific qualifications, and anyone over 18 can apply.

In those Q&As you will get to ask your questions about the placements and application process.

Full details about the placements and application process are available here.