IWA Professional Training courses (Decision Making in Wales and Influencing Political Outcomes) are designed by the IWA. Please note that
Past Events
Rethinking Wales: Higher Education and the Economy
The IWA’s #RethinkingWales series will explore the challenges we face because of Covid-19, and work out the opportunities for change.
Rethinking Wales: What do we need to be thinking about in the long term?
The IWA’s #RethinkingWales series will explore the challenges we face because of Covid-19, and work out the opportunities for change.
Mobility in our fast growing city
Mobility in our fast-growing cityMaking it easy to live, work and move around Cardiff Capital Region24th March 2020 | 0830
Brave New Wales: Challenges for lifelong education in changing times | Cymru Ddewr Newydd: Heriau i ddysgu gydol-oes mewn cyfnod o newid
“Brave New Wales: Challenges for lifelong education in changing times” 10th March 2020 | 0830 – 1430 | Techniquest, Cardiff
IWA Debate: “Is there a role for prisons in modern Wales?”
IWA Debate “Is there a role for prisons in modern Wales?” in partnership with Cardiff UniversityThursday 13th February 2020 |
IWA Professional Training: Influencing Political Outcomes
The two IWA Professional Training courses (Decision Making in Wales and Influencing Political Outcomes) are designed by the IWA, and
IWA Professional Training: Decision Making in Wales
The two IWA Professional Training courses (Decision Making in Wales and Influencing Political Outcomes) are designed by the IWA, and
IWA AGM 2019
The Institute of Welsh Affairs’ AGM for 2019 is being held in the Blue Room at the National Dance Company
Qualified for the Future | Cymwys ar gyfer y Dyfodol
Qualified for the Future: What should qualifications for the next generation look like? | Cymwys ar gyfer y Dyfodol: Sut y