The Institute of Welsh Affairs’ Swansea network conducted an opinion-gathering exercise with around 65 young people in October 2017 called

Over the years, the IWA have produced a number of highly regarded reports on a wide variety of topics. By convening experts from all backgrounds, our reports bring together a breadth of expertise that has hugely informed Welsh policy-making.
Our reports are available to download free of charge to ensure that they are accessible to all.
The Institute of Welsh Affairs’ Swansea network conducted an opinion-gathering exercise with around 65 young people in October 2017 called
This is the executive summary of the IWA’s Annual Report for 2016–17, giving information on our activities and key achievements
The IWA has responded to the National Assembly for Wales’ Finance Committee’s scrutiny of the Welsh Government Draft budget 2018-19. Our
The IWA has responded to the Welsh Government consultation on electoral reform in local government. We welcome the wide range
The ‘Re-energising Wales’ project’s first report entitled ‘Funding renewable energy projects in Wales’, highlights opportunities that could lead to the development of
To download the IWA Media Policy Group’s response to the National Assembly for Wales’ Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee’s
A ‘hard Brexit’ could do untold damage to the educational and cultural fabric of Wales, and would harm our economic
The Institute of Welsh Affairs’ Media Group’s response to the DCMS white paper on the BBC; “A BBC for the
The ‘Re-energising Wales’ project outlines eight key recommendations for Welsh Government on their energy policy over this assembly term. The