The Re-energising Wales project ‘Building a detailed picture of Wales’ energy needs’ report, provides a clear, data-based picture of the nature, timing and location of half-hourly energy demands of buildings in Wales over a year.
This will help us better understand how, when and where we use our energy in Wales. We need a full understanding of our energy demand to shape our future energy policies and plans. The report’s findings can be used to develop options for reducing the energy demand, to increase energy efficiency in Wales and to compare renewable energy supply profiles with likely demand in different geographical areas across Wales.
In partnership with Cardiff University, we have produced a detailed report which can be downloaded here. An IWA summary of the report can also be downloaded here.
The ‘Re-energising Wales’ project is managed and coordinated by the Institute of Welsh Affairs and funded by the Hodge Foundation, the Friends Provident Charitable Foundation and the Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation.
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