Re-energising Wales ‘Swansea Bay City Region : A Renewable Energy Future’ report

The Re-energising Wales project ‘Swansea Bay City Region : A Renewable Energy Future’ report, has used the Swansea Bay City Region (SBCR) as a case study to show how to make the most of renewable energy potential on a regional scale.


The model we have developed is openly available for use by regions and cities across Wales, the UK and beyond. Our report raises a number of key opportunities for the SBCR and Wales and suggests how to make the most of the region’s renewable energy resources.


In partnership with Regen, we have produced a detailed report which can be downloaded here.


The ‘Re-energising Wales’ project is managed and coordinated by the Institute of Welsh Affairs and funded by the Hodge Foundation, the Friends Provident Charitable Foundation and the Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation.

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