Yesterday, Welsh Government announced its ambition for Wales to meet 100% of its electricity needs from renewable sources by 2035.
This is a significant step up that we welcome and have been calling for since 2019 in our project Re-energising Wales. This new target, up from 70% of renewable energy by 2030, should be cause for optimism, but there is no certainty that we will reach it yet.
Climate Change Minister Julie James’s s consultation must now be followed up with investment in Wales’ key USPs, which we’ve identified as marine energy, bioenergy and homes.
Through investing in retrofitting programmes for homes, Wales will be able to reduce its energy consumption. We must also increase Wales’ capability by investing in alternative sources of renewable energy generation from bioenergy and marine energy.
Watch our director Auriol Miller explain why investment in bioenergy, marine energy and bioenergy should be next on the Welsh Government’s agenda on BBC Wales News.