…problem, which in Wales (as elsewhere) can only feed democratic disillusion about governments which over-promise and under-deliver. In terms of planting targets and much else, Wales has world-class good intentions….
Tackling the Engagement Gap: The Importance of Community Engagement in Shaping our Places
…submission, which means that people are left out in the cold, uncertain if their feedback has been taken into account or has helped to shape plans. This can often result…
IWA Analysis: Where Next for the Foundational Economy?
…that will need to be overcome. Foundational economy sectors struggle to compete with high-growth sectors for attention and investment By absorbing the foundational economy into existing sector-based economic development programmes,…
Turning Rhetoric into Reality: Decarbonising the Foundational Economy
…CREW on the foundational economy. The previous reports are available on our website: A Better Balance: Business Support for the Foundational Economy The Impact of Regulation in the Foundational Economy…
What might a ‘national conversation’ look like?
…constitutional futures. Communities should be supported to hold their own conversations, kitchen table discussion style, in their own spaces, to feed into the wider debate. The community involvement approach in…
Why the NHS is Fundamental to Economic and Social Recovery
…delivery of the NHS Wales Executive Board Foundational Economy (FE) Programme. One example of action taken to support better FE outcomes is the inclusion of ‘social value’ criteria within procurements….
Wales Has a Global Responsibility on Deforestation
…to end our contribution to the destruction of the world’s forests and habitats. Wales imports significant quantities of these commodities, including soy for livestock feed, palm oil used in everyday…
Welsh Stories, Welsh Talents: What’s Next for Welsh Film?
…good feedback on that. Then I got one in development with a production company for the first time, and I had the realisation that everything takes forever and it was…
IWA View: No Country for Young Folks: Looking for the Full Picture of the Welsh ‘Brain Drain’
…rarely hear from young people directly. Most of the discussion is led by people, like myself, who aren’t young anymore yet feed our own experiences or frustrations into these myths….