…of revitalising and reimagining our town centres. Welsh Government is looking at some of the structural challenges identified in reports from Audit Wales and Foundational Economy Research with input from…
An Ambition Worth Having: Physics, Innovation and the Welsh Economy
…to publish a long-awaited innovation strategy. Given the figures above, it’s vital that the role of fundamental science is properly recognised and embedded in that strategy. Without strength in foundational…
Editorial – Upgrading Work for the 21st Century
…jobs’ that will make a positive environmental impact while securing a fairer economic future. Yet, in our report Turning Rhetoric into Reality: Decarbonising the Foundational Economy, we raised concerns about…
IWA Analysis: Where Next for the Foundational Economy?
…need to be overcome. Foundational economy sectors struggle to compete with high-growth sectors for attention and investment By absorbing the foundational economy into existing sector-based economic development programmes, as evidenced…
Turning Rhetoric into Reality: Decarbonising the Foundational Economy
Our report, Turning Rhetoric into Reality: Decarbonising the Foundational Economy, was produced as part of the IWA’s project with CREW to look at the foundational economy as a policy agenda…
Why the NHS is Fundamental to Economic and Social Recovery
…administrative services to NHS Wales organisations, has been tasked to scope and support delivery of the NHS Wales Executive Board Foundational Economy (FE) Programme. One example of action taken to…
The Impact of Regulation in the Foundational Economy
Our report The Impact of Regulation in the Foundational Economy was produced as part of the IWA’s project with CREW to look at the foundational economy as a policy agenda…
IWA Analysis: The Economics of Caring
…more about the Foundational Economy? Join us on Thursday 23 September as we launch our report ‘Regulation and the Foundational Economy’, to find out how regulators can Think Small First….
What Wales Could Do with a Community Food Strategy
…the government’s Foundational Economy programme. The missing link here is infrastructure, including small abattoirs, processing facilities, cold storage and distribution, which will need investment. The returns are big though: the…