David Clubb and Emma Pinchbeck ask whether Wales’ renewable energy targets are deliverable, and what they mean for Wales
Future energy infrastructure
John Lloyd Jones explores the impact of today’s infrastructure decisions on Wales’ energy future
Is Wales really too poor to be independent?
John Ball unpicks the economic arguments against Welsh independence
IWA Podcast: Priorities for the National Infrastructure Commission for Wales
Auriol Miller, Director of the IWA, is joined by Ed Evans, David Clubb, Rhodri Hugh Thomas and Josh Miles to discuss infrastructure priorities for Wales
Is it time to reform the Sewel convention?
Matthew Hexter calls for a constitutional convention
Clifford Bunford 1919 – 2018
Richard Elfyn Jones plays tribute to Clifford Bunford and his career as a singer, singing teacher and choral conductor.
A no deal Brexit is bad for our health – that’s why Labour must back a People’s Vote
Helen Mary Jones considers the impact of a no deal Brexit on health services, and calls for a People’s Vote
How farmers can save the world: part one
In the first in a series of three blogs, Richard Edwards considers some options for future land-management in Wales
Radio and Regulation in Wales
Paul Atkins analyses the main findings from the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee’s Inquiry into Radio in Wales