Professor Hilary Lappin-Scott considers Professor Graeme Reid’s recently published review of government-funded research and innovation in Wales

Professor Hilary Lappin-Scott considers Professor Graeme Reid’s recently published review of government-funded research and innovation in Wales
Dr Katrina Henderson describes the practical actions Cardiff University has taken to embed sustainability in everything they do
Dylan Moore reports on the IWA’s panel event at the Hay Festival, focused on women in public life
Oliver Hazell argues for a focus on manufacturing if Wales is to win its ‘War on Waste’
Carl Nichols calls for joint action to create a circular plastics economy
Geraint Talfan Davies reflects on a recent trip to Germany and the UK’s links with Europe
Catherine Fookes shares news of a campaign to celebrate the women of Wales
Rachel Carney reflects on the Welsh presence at this year’s Hay Festival
Shazia Awan-Scully argues a lot has been achieved, but there is much more to do to ensure fair representation in Welsh public life