Simon Thomas yn nodi’r rhesymeg a’r agweddau allweddol ar gyfer y Bil Ombwdsmon Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus (Cymru) a gynigiwyd yn ddiweddar / Simon Thomas sets out the rationale and key aspects of the recently proposed Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Bill
The welsh agenda: issue 59
Dylan Moore introduces the latest issue of the IWA’s welsh agenda magazine.
Removing barriers for un-paid carers in the workforce
Helen Northmore sets out priorities for overcoming barriers to work for un-paid carers.
Going solo: self-employment in Wales
Hefin David AM reflects on patterns of self employment in Wales and calls for a tailored response
Aye Aye: The Rise of the Robots in Wales
Calvin Jones reflects on the economic potential of automation and the implications for Wales
Unmusical Chairs
Daran Hill reflects on the ratios of Committee Chairs in the Assembly, and offers some solutions.
Stuff the ballot box: electoral reform in local government
Merlin Gable analyses the upcoming electoral reform in local government and why it may mark a turning point for Welsh democracy.
Economic regeneration podcast
Auriol Miller talks to Chris Johnes and Sarah Lloyd-Jones about models of local economic regeneration, promising examples and next steps
Building a New Economy – from rhetoric to reality
Chris Johnes and Neil McInroy set out the rationale for a conference held today exploring different way of running local economies