The reaction to news that Doctor Who will be played by a woman shows how far we still have to go when it comes to gender equality, says Helen Bradley.
A road to Cardiff Airport…or regeneration in Pontypridd?
Mark Barry sets out alternatives to the proposal for a £100M link road to Cardiff Airport
Arloesi i ddatrys anghenion ynni lleol. Innovative solutions to meet local energy needs
Prysor Williams yn archwilio rhai o’r heriau cysylltiedig â chyflawni anghenion ynni lleol gan ddŵr, cyn digwyddiad ynni ar y cyd rhwng yr IWA a Phrifysgol Bangor yn Eisteddfod eleni.
Dr Prysor Williams explores some of the challenges associated with meeting our local energy needs through water, ahead of a joint IWA and Bangor University energy event at the forthcoming Eisteddfod.
Loneliness and isolation
Sarah Stone describes the impact of loneliness and isolation, and work being done to tackle it in Wales.
Not my cup of tea
Ffion Storer Jones gives a first hand account of why Fairtrade matters and calls for it to be protected
A hard exit
Alun Ffred warns of the Brexit ticking clock.
Keep singing to win
Phil Sheeran explains why Wales needs to protect and grow its small music venues
Cold homes, high rent and carbon emissions: how to fix Wales (and the UK’s) poor quality housing.
Dan Ward proposes a solution to Wales’ energy efficiency problem in our housing stock
Putting Tenants at the Heart of Fire Safety
Will Atkinson argues that lessons must be learnt quickly, and thoroughly, from the disaster at Grenfell Tower