Rhea Stevens is joined by Amy Bainton, Natasha Davies and Owen Hathway to discuss the ideas in the general election manifestos
The characters of #GE2017
Mat Mathias gives a view on the characters of the general election
Making Wales Better: The Next Thirty
Dylan Moore introduces 30 people working to make Wales better over the next 30 years
Hay Festival at 30
Dylan Moore talks to Hay director Peter Florence about the festival’s audience, its thirtieth year, and how to ‘reboot liberalism’
Ending homelessness in Wales, together.
Jon Sparkes asks for support to end homelessness in Wales, and Britain
Apprenticeships in Wales: a matter of degrees
Kieron Rees argues degree apprenticeships are essential to Wales’ future success
Maximising the potential of GP clusters in Wales
Rachel Podolak explores the potential of GP clusters in Wales
The signal and the noise 2: general election 2017 days 12 – 28
Adam Somerset offers a personal reflection on days 12 – 28 of the election campaign
Shared priorities for additional learning needs reform
Cath Lewis presents three shared priorities from the children’s sector for the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Bill.