Adam Somerset offers a personal reflection on the first 8 days of the election campaign
Where are the women?
Jess Blair highlights the problem of diversity ahead of next week’s council elections.
And we’re off…the UK General Election 2017
Laura McAllister and Diana Stirbu explore the threats and opportunities facing the political parties in Wales, ahead of the general election
Are we caring for our children?
Karen Graham and David Dallimore argue that childcare provision is about far more than getting parents into work
How could we buy energy in the smart future?
Dr Jeff Hardy explores possible business models which could emerge over the coming years, how these could change the way we buy energy and the effect this could have on our energy system.
IWA Podcast: 2017 General Election
Rhea Stevens is joined by Daran Hill, Liz Silversmith and Tom Davies to discuss the implications of the snap general election for Wales.
The Real Fight Starts Now
Daran Hill argues that the snap General Election is a fight for the survival of Labour
Sustainable Diets from Sustainable Food Systems
Pamela Mason and Tim Lang argue for the need to address the huge problems within the food system by shifting dietary consumption through the development of sustainable dietary guidelines
Is the time right to prepare for a Welsh Bill of Rights?
Adam Hughes considers the case and timings for a Welsh Bill of Rights.