The Aberfan Young Wives’ Club: a Game-Changer for ITV Cymru Wales?
Building Capacity and Agility in the Workforce – a provocation
Pauline Burt on creative ways to maximize the potential of the creative industries in Wales
The devaluation of English Literature GCSE
Rajvi Glasbrook Griffiths on how cultural literacy is one of the most powerful modes of social mobility and progress, and the arts are an undeniable resource
Can Wales fill the social care funding gap?
Joseph Ogle and Michael Trickey on how a long-term funding strategy needs to be underpinned by an agreed methodology for assessing the funding gap in social care
Edward Thomas 100: An Anglo-Welsh Poetic Legacy
Rachel Carney explores the continuing legacy of Edward Thomas on Welsh poetry in English
The Brexit deficit
Jess Blair argues that current political pressures show the need for increasing the capacity of the National Assembly for Wales
Working in Commercial Radio in Wales
Martin Mumford on realities and regulation
Access and Opportunity in Wales’ creative screen industries – Making Wales count
Understanding the shape and demographic of Wales’ creative industries and the importance of improving access and opportunity.
Arts Broadcasting in Wales: An Invisible Nation?
Amy Genders outlines the need for greater representation of Welsh arts and culture on the BBC