Daran Hill responds to a controversial story about a potential Labour party member.
Towards federalism and beyond
Glyndwr Cennydd Jones outlines his vision for a federal UK and how Wales would play a part in that.
The silly season story with serious implications
Lee Waters considers voter alienation in the current political climate and how that might impact on support for the Welsh Assembly.
Welsh Assembly could be swept away by anti-establishment tide
Andrew RT Davies questions the public’s support for devolution in Wales in the current political climate.
Look at the Patient, not the disease
Ruth Taylor explains why she believes involving patients in the change process is so important
Why I support a better NHS crowdfunder
Lynsey Jackson’s patient anxieties give rise to practical and considered advice to make the patient experience better
Patient Number 9
Angharad Dalton is reminded, through personal experience, of the absolute need to improve the patient experience within the NHS.
As patients we can and should help shape the NHS
Noreen Blanluet explains why she has donated to our Helping Patients Change the NHS crowdfunding appeal.
A Wales without lagoons; poorer, dirtier and sadder
David Clubb considers the potential benefits of tidal lagoon developments for Swansea and beyond.