Eliz Mizon of The Bristol Cable looks across the bridge for hope and inspiration about the future of public interest journalism
Making Journalism Work for Wales: Imagining the inclusive media of the future
Silvia Rose explains the idea behind the Inclusive Media Development Lab, one of the government-funded pilot projects aimed at addressing key issues for journalism in Wales
Making Journalism Work for Wales: Trying to do things differently
Richard Gurner explains the thinking behind a pilot project that will employ a dedicated Senedd reporter
Making Journalism Work for Wales: A data driven future
Dr Máté Fodor and Dr Marlen Komorowski emphasise the importance of a data-driven approach to setting strategy for the future of the journalism sector in Wales
Making Journalism Work for Wales: Good News and Bad News
Huw Marshall unpicks some of the issues behind why the Welsh Government has decided to fund a Senedd reporter.
Making Journalism Work for Wales: how to build a sustainable future?
Reimagining journalism is difficult, but Wales is heading in the right direction, writes Dylan Moore
How can we use storytelling to change the world?
Kaja Brown meets some of the people behind the Black Mountains College in Powys and explores the uses of storytelling against climate change
On poetry and current affairs: ‘Prigohzin’s Galley Slaves’
Angela Graham, co-author and editor of Sanctuary: There Must Be Somewhere, on writing poetry about fast-developing events
Revisiting: Leo Abse, Private Member
Adam Somerset reflects on the legacy of Welsh MP Leo Abse, 50 years on from the publication of his memoir